19 sept. 2011

Telecharger MAXON CINEMA 4D R13.016 Build RC45040 Retail ISO Multi langual (WiN - Mac OS) gratuit

MAXON CINEMA 4D R13.016 Build RC45040 Retail ISO Multi langual (WiN - Mac OS)

MAXON CINEMA 4D R13.016 Build RC45040 Retail ISO Multi langual (WiN - Mac OS) | 4.64 GB
Version: R13.016 Build RC45040
Year: 2011
Language: Multilingual
Medicine: Keymaker

CINEMA 4D R13 - the next generation of leading the industry in 3D motion graphics visual effects painting and rendering. With the new character animation integrated stereographic properties the possibility of an interaction of several artists (designers) and the physical rendering CINEMA 4D R13 based on 25 years of the company allows 3D-artists (designers) around the world quickly and simply create the most attractive content for any of the branches.

In addition to the basic program which includes a standard set of tools for modeling texturing rendering and animation available components including additional tools and features:
? Advanced Render. Enhanced visualization of scenes the creation of volumetric objects (clouds smoke fog);
? BodyPaint 3D. Tools for creating UV unwrapping and texture maps. (With R10 is included in the basic module);
? Dynamics. Module to simulate the dynamics of hard and soft bodies;
? HAIR. Module for creating hair;
? MOCCA. The module is designed to work on character animation. Includes a simulation system tissues morph various deformer tools to build a barn and much more;
? MoGraph. The module is designed to generate and animate objects. Imprisoned for creating motion graphics;
? NETRender. The module allows you to calculate the animation network of computers;
? PyroCluster. Tools for creating volumetric effects. Smoke dust etc. (with the R10 is included in the module Advanced Render);
? Sketch and Toon. The module allows you to create nefotorealisticheskuyu render the scene;
? Thinking Particles. The module includes a control system nodes particles.
Important changes and additions in Maxon Cinema 4D R13:
The new version adds new character animation tools a new physically-correct rendering introduced support for stereo (3D).
Physically correct rendering:
In Cinema 4D R 13 can now be visualized as photo-realistic images. This is achieved thanks to a new physically correct render-engine that allows (for a hike!) Changing the camera parameters (focal length aperture and shutter speed) to calculate realistic quality 3D Motion Blur DOF (Depth of Field) and lens distortion (Distortion)
- New Subsurface Scattering Shader: Users can now efficiently create translucent materials the effect of subsurface scattering such as milk leather or wax. The new SSS shader support both the physical and the standard rendering engines.
- Image Sampler: A new algorithm for sampling the image quality allows you to set rendering quality for a variety of effects such as motion blur depth of field quality Area shadows self-shadowing (Ambient Occlusion) and glossy reflections. Sample Image quality can be defined in several ways - a fixed number of samples adaptive or progressive. The latest version of the image can be computed or specified number of passes or be limited in time by one frame.
- New filter smoothing (Anti-Alising): In the setting of Anti-Alising added two new filters Mitchell and Gauss allowing to achieve a high quality anti-aliasing when rendering images.
- Stereo 3D: In Cinema 4D R13 adds the ability to create stereoscopic 3D content can be previewed in the working window and Picture Viewer.
- Object Character: Very flexible and simple tool for creating characters. In fact allows a designer to collect all sorts of skeletons and apply them to the characters.
- SMotion System: The new system allows you to create CMotion or use ready-made blanks for creating Walk Cycles. You can set the movement on the spline or surface or set manually operated. SMotion integrates perfectly with the object of Character.
- A new system of muscles: With the new system of muscles you can create different shapes and muscles attach them to multiple sites (Joint). Includes deformery to deformation of the skin.
- New deformer Collision: Allows you to deform the surface of one object with another in a collision.
And also: The 13th version also has many improvements and additions. Updated navigation system the interface introduced some improvements (including support for vertical tabs) Edge loop can be selected by double clicking on the verge of not choosing the appropriate tool supports layers in OpenEXR and more.
Today MAXON announced the immediate availability of CINEMA 4D Release 13 the next generation of its industry-leading 3D motion graphics visual effects painting and rendering software application. With all new character tools integrated stereographic capabilities stream-lined multi-artist collaboration and physical rendering CINEMA 4D Release 13 builds on the company's 25-year legacy of enabling digital content creators around the world to produce highly engaging content quickly and easily for a variety of industries.
New and Enhanced Rendering Engine
-Physically-Accurate Rendering: Creating photorealistic images is easier than ever with the new physical render engine. Based on real camera properties this additional render engine accurately calculates 3D motion blur depth of field and lens distortion based on the focal length aperture and shutter speed of the camera.
- Efficient Subsurface Scattering: Now users can efficiently create translucent materials such as milk skin and wax with a new subsurface scattering shader included with both the new Physical Render and CINEMA 4D's standard render engines.
- Shared Image Sampler: Saves tons of render time by combining sampling for multiple effects such as motion blur depth of field area shadows ambient occlusion and blurry reflections. Sample options allow users to specify a fixed number of samples apply an adaptive number of samples based on the geometry and shading complexity or progressively render each frame within a given number of passes or amount of time.
- New Anti-Aliasing Filters: Users can now achieve higher quality anti-aliasing using the Mitchell and Gauss algorithms.
Stereoscopic 3D Workflow
- New Character Object: Includes an auto rigger which simplifies the process of building a rig and applying it to a character. Technical directors are able to set up flexible rig templates that any user can easily apply to their characters.
- New CMotion System: Allows users to create their own or apply preset parametric walk cycles based on cyclic motion. Make characters walk along a spline and over terrain or even manually place footsteps. Can be integrated with the character object or applied to anything in a scene.
- New Muscle System: CINEMA 4D R13 now allows users to create custom-shaped muscles and anchor them to multiple joints within a rig. Includes deformer for skin stretching and sliding.
- New Collision Deformer: Deforms surfaces based on collisions enabling characters to intuitively interact with the environment around them.
Numerous Workflow Modeling and Animation Improvements
- Revamped Navigation System: New cursor-based navigation automatically sets the point of interest for rotation and dolly movements based on where the user clicks to begin navigation. This also ensures the speed of camera navigation is smooth and consistent regardless of the distance to the point of interest - making it easy to pivot around any portion of a model or scene.
- Sticky Keys: Allows users to activate a tool only while its shortcut is pressed and immediately return to the previous tool.
- New Spline Data User Interface: Attributes utilizing spline data can now be edited much more precisely with additional spline types and the ability to view splines in a larger separate window.
- Location Indicator: Provides artists with a new indicator that hints at the location of selected objects outside the current view.
- Surface Manipulation: Offers flexible options with a new Infinite Axis mode that lets users start manipulation from any point and easily snap surfaces to other objects in the scene. The rotation axis can now optionally display gimbal rotation making it easy to visualize situations in which gimbal lock will occur and can also transform multiple objects in a selection individually rather than as a group.
- Animation Enhancements: Based on user feedback a lot of tweaks were made to the animation system to improve efficiency including clamping better curve handling markers etc.
Operational Efficiency
- Superior XRef Object: Improves artist efficiency with fully embedded XRef (External Reference) commands in R13 so referenced objects can be textured animated and included in expressions or simulations within the master file greatly enhancing work in a collaborative environment.
- Improved C.O.F.F.E.E. and Python Scripting Language Integration: Equips customers with improved integration of the powerful COFFEE and Python scripting managers giving programmers and developers a customizable solution for a wide range of software development tasks that can be utilized in any pipeline. Python plugins and scripts now appear alongside those created in CINEMA 4D's C + + and COFFEE APIs.
- File Format Support: Allows artists to access a range of popular file formats for greater workflow flexibility. Multi-Pass files can now be stored in multiple channels within a single OpenEXR file. The popular FBX and COLLADA file formats have been updated facilitating easier asset exchange and interoperability.
After Effects Exchange: Gives customers using R13 unparalleled integration with After Effects with the introduction of stage object support timeline marker exports and support for 29.97fps.
System Requirements
Recommended system requirements include Windows XP Vista or 7 running on Intel or AMD CPU with SSE2-Support; Mac OS X 10.5.8 or higher running on an Intel-based Mac and 1024 MB RAM DVD ROM drive. Up to 256 threads now supported. Standard DVD installation can take up to 2.5 GB of disk space.

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