19 sept. 2011

Telecharger Aquafadas PulpMotion Advanced v3.3 (Mac OsX) gratuit

Aquafadas PulpMotion Advanced v3.3 (Mac OsX)

Aquafadas PulpMotion Advanced v3.3 (Mac OsX) | 193.5 MB

PulpMotion Advanced is the next generation slideshow and animation software for your media.
PulpMotion Advanced creates slideshow based on highly customizable themes. It allows you to present your pictures as well as your video in a single animation you can share as video, screensaver or executable player. PulpMotion Advanced makes your pictures come to life with animation created from regions of interest you can easily define with the integrated editor. Your pictures are no more static but reveal a new dimension. You can also record audio comments on the fly, add music and let PulpMotion Advanced take care of the synchronization and sound transitions.

Create never-seen-before animations in no time and tell you stories with style... with PulpMotion Advanced.

Mac OS X 10.5 or later
1GHz G4 or better
512 MB of memory (1 GB recommended)
Quartz Extreme compatible card
an iSight camera or DV camera (optional)

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