19 sept. 2011

Telecharger Maxon Cinema 4D R13 Win/Mac + MAXON License_Server R13 gratuit

Maxon Cinema 4D R13 Win/Mac + MAXON License_Server R13

Maxon Cinema 4D R13 Win/Mac + MAXON License_Server R13 | 4.51 GB

CINEMA 4D Broadcast offers you everything you need for professional 3D-Graphics and Animation.
From modeling to texutring from lighting to rendering. This package delivers the right tools for your daily business.

CINEMA 4D lets you either import 3D geometry in a wide variety of file formats or you can simply select a model out of the hundreds we deliver! You can also create your own objects with CINEMA 4D's versatile modeling toolset.
Read more about modeling
Materials and Textures
Make your objects look perfect with the materials and textures. Choose from simple image files to complex shaders animations hand-painted masterpiece or hundreds of predefined materials.
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Set things into motion in CINEMA 4D by using a comprehensive Timeline keyframes and function curves (F-Curves). Almost any parameter of any object can be animated.
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With Clone objects and Effectors you can set up complex animations with hundreds of objects with just a few clicks. Effectors can influence multiple clones at once and can be driven by sound time and even algorithms. And MoDynamics lets you create photorealistic simulations of physical effects such as gravity collision or friction.
Lighting and Rendering
When you need to light and render your scene CINEMA 4D offers all kinds of light sources and shadow types to create perfect lighting.
Read more about Lighting and Rendering
On top CINEMA 4D Broadcast offers you Global Illumination for very natural lighting a physical renderer for realistic lens effects and with NET Render you can use other computers on your network to help you achieve quicker results.
Workflow and Customization
CINEMA 4D lets you configure the program layout and you can create your own scripts or plugins.

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