19 sept. 2011

Telecharger iPortable Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Bootable image [Intel/AMD] gratuit

iPortable Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Bootable image [Intel/AMD]

iPortable Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Bootable image [Intel/AMD] | 6 GB

Did the image of a bootable image iPortable Snow Leopard 10.6.7
CPU Intel / AMD
After pouring on the flash drive or hard drive system, you need to self-report you need some kexts (drivers) devices. Bulk, with a small surplus is already contained in the image. Present in the image of me is enough for the factory system on virtually any hardware.

Supports partition table MBR and GUID.
System Language - English

Loading the system default 32bit!
To download the 64 bit mode needed to be loaded with a key-force64

From the image removed virtually all applications
- BootCamp
- ICal
- Chess
- Fotobudka
- Etc.

In the image included utilities:
- PlistEdit Pro
- MultiBeast_3.4_rus
- Kext Utility
- PackageMaker

In the image included utilities DSDT:
- DSDT-Patcher-Linux-Mac-Win
- DSDTEditor
- DSDTFixer
- DSDT Auto-Patcher
- DSDT Auto-Patcher HDEF-USB-GMA 950

In the image included the kernel:

Made fix USB ports (ie, the system actually can work fully, would have eliminated some of the credit default application, but I do not need ...)

Ie appointment system in the event of a failure to have a little OSes with which you can always run and something to correct.

If you are experiencing problems with the loader
- Immediately after unpacking the image, go to / Hackintosh tools / iPortable Bootfix and run iPortable BootFix

The first launch of the system from an image is best done with a key-x-f which would have recreated the cache kext files for your hardware + delete problem with the definition video.

In this upload included 2 files:
1. iPortable10.6.7_v0.1.volarchive
2. CopyCatX 5.0 [UB k'd].dmg
3. Password Admin: 1
Open iPortable10.6.7_v0.1.volarchive on MAC by CopyCatX 5.0 [UB k'd].dmg

Télécharger iPortable Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Bootable image [Intel/AMD], filesonic, fileserve, megaupload iPortable Snow Leopard 10.6.7 Bootable image [Intel/AMD] Telechargement gratuit!

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