3 août 2011

Telecharger Mac OS BootCamp (Update 04.2011) gratuit

Mac OS BootCamp (Update 04.2011)

Mac OS BootCamp (Update 04.2011) | 816 MB

So, let�s see how is the process for installing Windows on a Macintosh (of course only runs on Intel).

It looks simple enough and should not cause complications for users. First, the need to install all necessary updates (this is primarily a system upgrade Mac OS X 10.4.6 and firmware update), 10 GB of free disk space, clean CD, a printed sheet with instructions and installation CD Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 in the version Home or Professional (multi-disc, upgrades and Media Center will not do).
After the launch, Boot Camp Assistant will record a CD with drivers for Windows, you�ll need for the correct operation of the new OS with the hardware (it�s the graphics driver, sound card, network-, AirPort-and Bluetooth-adapter, as well as functional Eject button on the Apple-keyboard-native and brightness control keys for laptops).
Next, you need to insert the Windows installation disk and restart the computer, and then begin the standard procedure of installing the OS familiar to many. If a new Windows-partition on the disk that you just pointed to the Boot Camp Assistant program is 32 GB or less, when you install Windows, you can choose an appropriate format for it: NTFS or FAT (if more than 32 GB, only NTFS) . The first offers greater reliability and security, the second � compatibility. That is, selecting the NTFS, you can not write files in the Windows-partition from Mac OS X.

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