3 août 2011

Telecharger Adobe Audition CS5.5 _ 4.0 Build 1815 (Mac OS X) gratuit

Adobe Audition CS5.5 _ 4.0 Build 1815 (Mac OS X)

Adobe Audition CS5.5 _ 4.0 Build 1815
Mac OS X | 235 MB

Adobe Audition CS5.5 software delivers the professional tools you need to make your video and audio productions sound their best. Handle a wide range of audio production tasks efficiently, including recording, mixing, and sound restoration.

System Requirements
Multicore Intel processor
Mac OS X v10.5.8 or v10.6
1GB of RAM; 2GB for HDV and HD playback
2GB of available harddisk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a casesensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
1280x800 display with OpenGL 2.0�compatible graphics card
Core Audio�compatible sound card
DVDROM drive (SuperDrive recommended)
QuickTime 7.6.2 software required for QuickTime features

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