3 août 2011

Telecharger Eon Vue 9 xStream SP1 With Plugins, Extras - Mac OSX (2011/ENG) gratuit

Eon Vue 9 xStream SP1 With Plugins, Extras - Mac OSX (2011/ENG)

Eon Vue 9 xStream SP1 With Plugins,Extras (2011/ENG) | 2.67 GB

Vue 9 xStream offers professional CG artists a complete toolset for creating and rendering exceptionally rich and realistic natural environments in 3ds Max, Maya, LightWave, Cinema 4D and Softimage.

E-on Software  Corporate Overview

At e-on software, Digital Nature is not just a catchy buzzword, its our passion, as we strive to deliver the most comprehensive, powerful, fun-to-use 3D Natural Scenery solutions to our equally passionate and creative users and customers.
Since its inception in 1997, e-on has pioneered the concept of Digital Nature and enjoyed the widespread adoption of its solutions across a variety of industries and user communities.
Moving forward, our mission will continue to focus on expanding our leadership in Digital Nature by delivering exciting, cutting-edge capabilities and solutions to our existing markets and customers and to a growing audience of new markets and innovative opportunities.

About Vue 9 xStream

Vue 9 xStream provides a unique, unmatched solution for creating and integrating high quality natural scenery into any professional production pipeline, from architectural visualization to broadcast and film

Name: Eon Vue 9 xStream
Version: Service Pack 1.0 Update Only (Build 9005960)
Creator: e-on software  Solutions for Natural 3D Environments
Interface: english

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