3 août 2011

Telecharger Adobe ColdFusion EnterPrise Edition v-9.0 gratuit

Adobe ColdFusion EnterPrise Edition v-9.0

Adobe ColdFusion EnterPrise Edition 9.0 | Size : 435 MB

ColdFusion 9 accelerates the development cycle by reducing complex and powerful business logic into a few lines of code. ColdFusion 9 applications easily access data from existing enterprise infrastructure including Microsoft SharePoint, Microsoft Office files and Java J2EE portlet standards. New ColdFusion 9 features include an Adobe� AIR� application for managing multiple ColdFusion servers from one location, saving performance time and reducing edundant tasks. ColdFusion 9 also offers local and remote database synchronization with Adobe AIR, giving users access to applications regardless of Internet connectivity. Also, deep integration with Hibernate?s object relational mapping (ORM) provides developers with database independent applications

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