3 août 2011

Telecharger GarageBand Jam Pack: World Music For MacOSX gratuit

GarageBand Jam Pack: World Music For MacOSX

GarageBand Jam Pack: World Music
MAC OSX l 6.88GB

A world of music in your hands
Enjoy over 12GB of sounds and music performed by top musicians and meticulously recorded to capture the nuances and spirit of these incredible instruments.

Over 3,000 Apple Loops
Assemble intriguing musical compositions using a collection of over 3000 Apple Loops from nearly every corner of the globe. Rare and exotic instruments from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, India, Europe, the United Kingdom, South and Central America, Cuba and Jamaica.

More than 40 Software Instruments
With over 40 new software instruments, you can create your own songs and soundtracks that sound as if they were composed with authentic world instruments. These new instruments have extensive layers and articulations to re-create the realistic performances when played from a standard midi keyboard. Among the instruments now available:

Exotic Strings: Ultra-realistic stringed instruments in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, and flavors, including Indian Sitar, Japanese Koto, Persian Santoor, Russian Balailaka, Spanish Flamenco Guitar and more.
Drum & Percussion Instruments: Five authentic world drum kits that incorporate the most relevant, interesting percussion from Asia, India/Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and European Folk.
Ethnic Wind Instruments: Chinese, Japanese, Native American flutes, Highlands Bagpipes, Celtic Tin Whistle, Indian Shehhai Oboe, Peruvian Panpipes and much more.
Other spectacular instruments include Afro-Cuban Upright Piano, Latin and Tango Accordions, South African Choirs, and Tibetan Singing Bowls.

System Requirements

A Macintosh computer with a PowerPC G4 or greater processor
At least 512 megabytes (MB) of RAM; 1 gigabyte (GB) recommended
Mac OS X version 10.3
QuickTime 6.5.2 or higher
DVD drive for installation
12 GB of available disk space available to install the World Music media
GarageBand 2, Logic Express 7, or Logic Pro software; GarageBand Jam Pack: World Music is not fully supported if using GarageBand 1.

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