3 août 2011

Telecharger CEI Ensight Gold 9.2.1c MacOSX gratuit

CEI Ensight Gold 9.2.1c   MacOSX

CEI Ensight Gold 9.2.1c | MacOSX | 762.80 MB

EnSight Golds distributed architecture handles scientific and engineering analysis models containing up to billions of nodes while optimizing memory use. It builds upon the full functionality of EnSight.

Professional solution for visualization and analysis of structural problems at the time of testing under the influence of extreme heat, vibration, acoustic, and mechanical factors.

Computational Engineering International (CEI) was founded in 1994godu, headquartered in Apex, North Carolina. Since its inception, and today, the creative team strives to continually provide new, more powerful and more affordable solutions for various industries. The flagship product of the Computational Engineering International (CEI) is EnSight.
Featuring the largest collection of features and tools from existing, EnSight lets you see what you could not see and document earlier. In addition, EnSight works on all major computing platforms and supports interfaces to most major CAE programs and data formats.

In CEI EnSight Gold built-in ability of parallel operation of multiple computers simultaneously, the analysis of complex mapping applications. The program includes advanced visualization features, supported by many standard file formats that contain theoretical and engineering data. EnSight Gold can be successfully used for processing data from CFD and FEA programs as a graphical postprocessor. The latest version of EnSight supports data systems such as ABAQUS, ADINA, ANSYS, CFX, Dytran, FLUENT, LS-DYNA, Nastran, Star-CD and many others. It adds the ability to compare results from different systems into a single graphical user interface, as well as ample opportunities for presentation of their results.

Key features of CEI EnSight Gold:

- SMP parallel processing to support more than 2 processors.
- Support for multiple VR planar and non-planar display, such as RAVE, or several multi-panel.
- The system of "Heads Up" Macro (HUM), to create a VR interface and full support for VR devices for head tracking and manipulation.
- Output to POV-Ray ray tracing program for photorealistic images.
- Interfaces with EnLiten Gold exchange results in VR environments.
- Support for 3D input devices Trackd, or set your own using CEIs provided API.
- Component Server-of-server (SOS) for parallel processing on SMP and DMP architectures.

The EnSight 9.2 Product Suite contains all of these products:

Slim License Manager
Homepage: http://www.ensight.com/


1) Copy slim8.key to license8 dir
2) Enjoy.

Télécharger CEI Ensight Gold 9.2.1c  MacOSX, filesonic, fileserve, megaupload CEI Ensight Gold 9.2.1c  MacOSX Telechargement gratuit!

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