19 sept. 2011

Telecharger Nik Software Complete Collection MacOSX UB August - 2011 gratuit

Nik Software Complete Collection MacOSX UB August - 2011

Nik Software Complete Collection MacOSX UB August 2011 | 749 MB

This update compatible with Mac OSX Lion

The Complete Collection includes all of Nik Software's latest award-winning plug-in software titles for Photoshop®, Lightroom® and Aperture® including: Dfine® 2.0, Viveza® 2, HDR Efex ProT, Color Efex ProT 3.0, Silver Efex ProT 2 and Sharpener ProT 3.0. All products now feature Nik Software's patented U Point® technology, giving photographers the most powerful tools for precise and natural photographic enhancements and corrections without the need for complicated selections or layer masks.

6 SEPARATE INSTALLERS: All Six Application installers current as of 8-9-2011 (updated for Lion 10.7 compatibility issues)
.Sharpener Pro Version 3.006 - Mac OS X (Photoshop, Lightroom & Aperture)
.Silver Efex Pro Version 2.001
.Color Efex Pro Version 3.111 (Complete Edition Only) - Mac OS X (Photoshop, Lightroom & Aperture)
.Viveza 2 Version 2.005 - Mac OS X (Photoshop, Lightroom & Aperture)
.Dfine 2 Version 2.108 - Mac OS X (Photoshop, Lightroom, & Aperture)
.HDR Efex ProT Version 1.200 - Mac OS X (Photoshop, Lightroom & Aperture) (May not be updated for Lion, Nik site still says 10.6 for this one)

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