19 sept. 2011

Telecharger Mac OS X 10.6.8 Delta Combo 10K524 (Intel Only) gratuit

Mac OS X 10.6.8 Delta Combo 10K524 (Intel Only)

Mac OS X 10.6.8 Delta Combo 10K524 (Intel Only) | 2.1 GB

Apple has released a new build of Mac OS X 10.6.8 at number 10K524. Developer is available as a Combo Update and Delta Update In this assembly still ask to pay attention to Mac App Store graphics drivers and AirPort.

System requirements:
Mac OS 10.6-10.6.x
Known Issues
- None
Focus Areas
- AirPort
- Graphics Drivers
- Mac App Store
- Networking
- QuickTime
When you install the required use revisionerom and then rolls updated. According to another will not work
Year: 2011
Assembly: 10K524
Developer: Apple
Platform: Intel only
Language: MULTi

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