29 sept. 2011

Telecharger Diskwarrior v4.3 Revision 1107 Official Boot DVD gratuit

Diskwarrior v4.3 Revision 1107 Official Boot DVD

Diskwarrior v4.3 Revision 1107 Official Boot DVD | Mac Os X | dmg | 2.77GB

Everything just disappeared after your Mac went haywire. All your work documents. The music you most enjoy. The movie of your kid's first steps. It's your life and it's gone. Don't panic! DiskWarrior will find your documents, photos, music and any other files when disaster strikes and things go missing. Perhaps you've tried to open a document and all that happens is a color wheel that spins and spins and spins… Or when your Mac starts up, all you get is a blinking question mark… Or you were in the middle of editing a movie and now your external hard disk isn't on the desktop… Or your MP3s won't play... Or every time you look through your photos, your Mac crashes. DiskWarrior gets you back up and running fast!

DiskWarrior Repairs Disks No Other Utility Program Can Repair.

DiskWarrior can find your missing documents and files.
Using a patent-pending, award-winning method of rebuilding directories.

DiskWarrior cures those cryptic errors reported by Disk Utility.
Messages from your Mac such as "Invalid node structure" and "Keys out of order" may seem mysterious or even scary but DiskWarrior fixes these problems and many, many more.

Just one click finds everything that's missing or broken.
With a single click, DiskWarrior finds all salvageable files and folders and builds a new error-free, optimized directory for you to use.

You can easily check if your missing documents and items have been recovered.
DiskWarrior's patented preview feature lets you see how your disk will appear after it is repaired, but before any changes are made. You can even compare your disk in its damaged state to its repaired state.

DiskWarrior is incredibly safe to use.
DiskWarrior verifies your repaired directory to ensure it is error free. It then uses a
fail-safe method of replacing the damaged directory to ensure that interruptions such as power outages won't harm your data.

DiskWarrior is the highest rated and wins more awards.
The first reviews are in! See what the press is already saying about the new DiskWarrior 4.

Can you afford to waste your hard-earned money on any other utility?
You can try other utilities but you'll probably end up needing DiskWarrior to recover your data. You'll save money buying DiskWarrior first.

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