3 août 2011

Telecharger Stata 11 (Mac OS X) gratuit

Stata 11 (Mac OS X)

Stata 11
Mac OS X | 269 MB

Stata statistical software is a generalpurpose system intended for use by medical researchers, biostatisticians, epidemiologists, economists, sociologists, political scientists, geographers, psychologists, social scientists, and other research professionals. It is available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix computers and provides full data management, graphics, statistical, and matrix language capabilities. In addition to generalpurpose capabilities such as summary statistics, ANOVA, linear, logistic, and probit regression, and the like, Stata provides survival analysis including KaplanMeier survivor function estimates, Cox proportional hazards models, survey analysis, time series, multivariate analysis, and panel data estimators including randomeffects, fixedeffects, and multilevel mixedeffects for continuous, binary, and count outcomes.
Whats new in this version: Stata 11 adds many new features such as multiple imputation, factor variables, generalized method of moments (GMM), competingrisks regression, statespace modeling, predictive margins, a Variables Manager, and more.
Home: http://www.stata.com/stata11/

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