3 août 2011

Telecharger Rob Papen BLue v1.8.5d MacOSX [2011] gratuit

Rob Papen BLue v1.8.5d MacOSX [2011]

Rob Papen BLue 1.8.5d | Mac OS X | 239 MB

This exciting synth delivers FM Synthesis, Phase Distortion Synthesis, Wave Shaping Synthesis and Subtractive Synthesis is one creative combination! We call it Crossfusion synthesis.

BLUE has six oscillators which can be connected in various ways, two analogue style modelled stereo filters, an enormous range of processing and modulation options, sequencer and an incredibly powerful arpeggiator.
Despite these heavy features, BLUE is so easytouse thanks to its user interface and the innovative easy edit page for quick sound changes!

This all brought together with over 2000 inspirational Rob Papen presets and more, covering a wide range of musical styles.
Link for more information: http://www.robpapen.com/blue.html

Télécharger Rob Papen BLue v1.8.5d MacOSX [2011], filesonic, fileserve, megaupload Rob Papen BLue v1.8.5d MacOSX [2011] Telechargement gratuit!

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