3 août 2011

Telecharger QuarkXPress 9.0 MacOS gratuit

QuarkXPress 9.0 MacOS

QuarkXPress 9.0 + Keygen | Mac OS | 835MB

WithQuarkXPress, you can communicate in all the ways you need to andalways look professional in print and digital media, all in a singletool.

Whats New
Version 9.0:

App Studio forQuarkXPress Create the Ultimate Mobile Experience Create your owniPad apps with App Studio for QuarkXPress, then publish and control yourown interactive publications.

Design for Blio eReader BringRich, Interactive Design to the eBook Marketplace Create interactivecontent for the Blio eReader, the most accessible and versatile e readeron the market. Then sell it through the Blio online bookstore.

Exportto ePUB Tap Into the Exploding eBook Market Convert yourQuarkXPress layouts into standardized eBooks for the iPad, Sony Reader,NOOK, and more.

Conditional Styles Automatically style content based on powerful styling rules

Callout Boxes and groups move automatically with text

ImageGrid Import and automatically build grids of images

Story Editor Edit copy in a word processor like view

Bullets and Numbering Take command of lists and outlines with bullet, numbering, and outline styles

ShapeMaker Easily create unique shapes

Linkster Unlink and relink text boxes without overflow

Cloner The smartest and most efficient way to clone design elements

XLSX Import Import XLSX files

Style Sheets Apply style sheets without affecting local formatting

TableCreation Break tables to flow across multiple pages with repeatingheaders and footers, even when theyre anchored in a story

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