3 août 2011

Telecharger Final Cut Pro v7.0.3 MacOSX gratuit

Final Cut Pro v7.0.3 MacOSX

Final Cut Pro v7.0.3 MacOSX.Incl tutorial and Sample Tests | 4.18 GB

Final Cut Pro provides non-linear, non-destructive editing of any QuickTime compatible video format including DV, HDV, P2 MXF (DVCProHD), XDCAM, and 2K film formats. It supports an unlimited number of simultaneously composited video tracks;
The latest version of Final Cut Pro 7 claims better integration with Apple�s other professional applications and improved codec support for editing HD, DV and SD video formats, including encoding presets for devices such as iPod, Apple TV, and Blu-ray discs.

A technology called DynamicRT built on the RT Extreme technology was released with Final Cut Pro 4. DynamicRT allows a real-time multistream effects architecture, which can be set to automatically adjust image quality and frame rate during playback to maintain real time effects. For example, when there are a large number of video streams playing simultaneously it will, in real time, switch to a mode that reduces the quality of the playback so that all of them can be seen in real time; when the computer is capable it will automatically return playback to native quality (that is, when there are fewer simultaneous video streams).

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