3 août 2011

Telecharger Adobe Audition CS5.5 - 4.0 Build 1815 gratuit

Adobe Audition CS5.5 - 4.0 Build 1815

Adobe Audition CS5.5 - 4.0 Build 1815
Mac OS X | 235 MB

Adobe Audition CS5.5 software delivers the professional tools you need to make your video and audio productions sound their best. Handle a wide range of audio production tasks efficiently, including recording, mixing, and sound restoration.

System Requirements
Multicore Intel processor
Mac OS X v10.5.8 or v10.6
1GB of RAM; 2GB for HDV and HD playback
2GB of available harddisk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a casesensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
1280x800 display with OpenGL 2.0compatible graphics card
Core Audiocompatible sound card
DVDROM drive (SuperDrive recommended)
QuickTime 7.6.2 software required for QuickTime features

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