27 nov. 2011

Telecharger VMware Virtual Machine Installed Mac OS X 10.5.5 for Windows + Video Instructions [2011] gratuit

VMware Virtual Machine Installed Mac OS X 10.5.5 for Windows + Video Instructions [2011]

VMware Virtual Machine Installed Mac OS X 10.5.5 for Windows + Video Instructions | 4.54 GB

VMware Virtual Machine installed Mac OS X 10.5.5.
Full 100% working system has been installed from the original image with the sole modification (disabled equipment check for validity).
Work network, USB, sound, full screen, shared folders, shared clipboard, etc.
Intended for use as a second additional operating system (virtual) on a PC running the basic Windows operating system and nothing more (as it is not the main set!)
You will be able to thoroughly acquainted with the principle of running the Mac, and use it in everyday work on the PC.
There is a possibility of transforming the application from one system to another.

Setting the MAC OC X on your Windows computer:
The OS is already installed in the image is compressed and requires only the right to install VMware and open it in Mac OS X more than anything.
1.Otkryvaem downloaded folder.
2.Zapuskaem video
3.Smotrim instructions and simply repeat the same thing on your computer.
Video is accompanied by a voice commentary. (I apologize in advance for not a professional announcer's voice.)
Installation time 10-15min.

System requirements:
Processor: Intel (Core2Duo, Core2Quad, etc.) or AMD Phenom.
Memory: 2 GB
Disk Space: 1.5 GB to 10 GB VMwar + for Mac OS X
DVD-ROM: DAEMON Tools, Alcohol 120%, UltraISO, etc.
Media Player: C MP 4 format support
Mood: Good, upbeat and optimistic
Home: http://www.apple.com

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