30 nov. 2011

Telecharger Topaz Labs Photoshop CS5 Bundle (Windows-Mac) gratuit

Topaz Labs Photoshop CS5 Bundle (Windows-Mac)

Topaz Labs Photoshop CS5 Bundle (Windows/Mac) | 700MB

Ready to enhance your range of post-processing abilities and give your digital photography that extra edge? With Topaz Labs’ Photoshop plug-ins you can quickly and easily achieve an endless variety of creative and corrective image enhancements, from noise reduction to HDR effects and beyond!

Make your exposure, detail, and color pop with Topaz Adjust. Create a variety of stunning painterly art effects with Topaz Simplify Get halo- and artifact-free detail and sharpening with Topaz Detail. Eliminate noise while preserving detail with Topaz DeNoise Quickly and efficiently mask and extract photos with Topaz ReMask. Control portrait smoothing and stylized edges with Topaz Clean Fix JPEG artifacts and optimize web photos with Topaz DeJPEG Download

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