27 nov. 2011

Telecharger Apple Service Diagnostic ASD v3S144 [2011] gratuit

Apple Service Diagnostic ASD v3S144 [2011]

Apple Service Diagnostic ASD v3S144 | 3.29 GB
ASD Dual Boot 3S144 | for MacBooks 13, 15, 17" early 2011

Apple Service Diagnostics is designed to run EFI and Mac OS X tests from external USB-carriers. Apple Service Diagnostics (EFI) performs direct low-level tests of hardware for Apple computers and requires no operating system, while Apple Service Diagnostics (OS) uses the Mac OS X to run these tests.

ASD 3S144 supports the following machines:
MacBook Pro (13-inch, Early 2011)
MacBook Pro (15-inch, Early 2011)
MacBook Pro (17-inch, Early 2011)

Ext. Information:
Before installing the ASD in the USB-drive and testing procedures should be more familiar with the documentation that is included in this release, namely:

1. ASD Read Me Service
2. Installing ASD on a USB hard drive
3. ASD User Guide
4. ASD Test Results Guide

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