18 août 2011

Telecharger Rosetta Stone.3.4.7 (Arabic/Hindi Language Pack) gratuit

Rosetta Stone.3.4.7 (Arabic/Hindi Language Pack)

Rosetta.Stone.3.4.7 (Arabic/Hindi Language Pack) | 3GB

Rosetta Stone software is built around a concept called Dynamic Immersion, an unique learning method that uses a computer to mimic the ways in which you learned your first language.
This approach is simple, but incredibly effective as it allows your brain to adapt quickly as your knowledge grows.

Our language courses are highly interactive and visually engaging and we-ll never ask you to translate back into your native language or memorise vocabulary lists. Instead you-ll learn through a complete immersion process. Relate what you see and hear to familiar, real-life images and situations. Practise and perfect your pronunciation against native speakers using our innovative voice recognition technology and receive immediate feedback to help consolidate and reinforce your learning.

You-ll experience continuous progress and regular breakthroughs because our Adaptive Recall technology remembers language you find difficult initially and reintroduces it at optimal intervals during the course; helping you understand and retain language for use in the real world.

NEW! Rosetta Stone 3.4.7;
Arabic 1-2-3. In the complete audio application (Arabic);

System requirements:
Windows XP / Vista, MacOS,Windows7;
512 MB RAM;
1 GHz or higher processor;
600 MB hard disk space (for one level);
16-bit sound card;
800 x 600 screen resolution (1024 x 768 recommended);
Required for speech recognition headset with microphone (USB recommended);
16X CD-ROM (for installation).

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