26 août 2011

Telecharger Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 VMware Image (Ultimate Final Build) gratuit

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 VMware Image (Ultimate Final Build)

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 VMware Image (Ultimate Final Build) | 12.55 Gb

Fully Instructions installation VMware [Win/Mac/Linux] + Included ALL THAT you NEED for this version [VMware Image+VMWare For Win/Mac/Linux]+Darwin_snow.iso+EmpireEFI4AMD.iso]

(1) Remember that you need to have Virtualisation Technology enable in your BIOS.

(2) As there is no password set on the machine, you need to set one to be able to sudo. It's no big deal, just go to Account settings and set an admin password.

(3) AMD compatible.

This program allows you to run any flavor of Mac OS X inside a VMware
virtual machine, on any physical machine.

Supported configurations
Version 7 of this program is known to work with the following

Guest operating system
Mac OS X (Client or Server) versions: 10.5, 10.6

VMware product
VMware Workstation (for Windows or Linux) version: 7.1
VMware Fusion (for Mac OS X) version : 3.1

CPU feature: Intel VT

Instructions for VMware Workstation for Windows
Install VMware Workstation.

Make sure all virtual machines and VMware Workstation are stopped.

As the Administrator user, run the "windows.bat" program (located in
the Workstation - Windows directory) from the command line (Command

Read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section below.

Instructions for VMware Player for Windows
Install VMware Player.

Make sure all virtual machines and VMware Player are stopped.

As the Administrator user, run the "windows.bat" program (located in
the VMware Player directory) from the command line (Command

Read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section below.

Instructions for VMware Workstation for Linux
Install VMware Workstation.

Make sure all virtual machines and VMware Workstation are stopped.

As the super user, run the "linux" program (located in the
Workstation - Linux directory) from the command line.

Read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section below.

Instructions for VMware Fusion for Mac OS X
Install VMware Fusion.

Make sure all virtual machines and VMware Fusion are stopped.

As the super user, run the "macosx" program (located in the
VMware Fusion directory directory) from the command line (Terminal).

Read the "Frequently Asked Questions" section below.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: When I power on a Mac OS X virtual machine, I get the error "Mac
OS X is not supported with software virtualization".
A1: Mac OS X guest requires that your physical CPU supports Intel
VT. However that feature is sometimes disabled in the BIOS (this
is often the case on Dell computers). To enable it, restart your
physical computer, enter the BIOS setup, enable Intel
Virtualization Technology, save the new BIOS configuration, and
then (that is the important part) cold power off the physical

Q2: In a virtual machine, the Mac OS X installer does not display any
volume, so I cannot select one to install Mac OS X on it.
A2: Select "Utilities> Disk Utility" in the menu, select the virtual
hard disk at the top of the left pane, click on the "Erase" tab at
the top of the right pane, click on the "Erase" button at the
bottom of the right pane, and confirm your choice with the "Erase"
button. Wait until the volume is created, then select
"Disk Utility> Quit Disk Utility" in the menu. The installer will
now display the new volume. Select the new volume to install Mac
OS X on it.

Q3: Can I make the interaction with a Mac OS X virtual machine much
A3: Yes: you need to install "VMware Tools for Mac OS X".
If you are using VMware Fusion, select your Mac OS X virtual
machine, then select "Virtual Machine> Install VMware Tools" in
the menu and follow the instructions.
If you are using VMware Workstation, then ask a friend who has
installed the latest version of VMware Fusion to send you the file
located at
"/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion/isoimages/darwin.iso"
on his physical machine. Using a USB key thumb or networking, copy
this file inside your Mac OS X virtual machine, and open it.

Thanks to the efforts of the OSx86 project (
_www.osx86project.org/ ), it is now possible to install Mac OS X
on a variety of non-Mac computers.

But this approach:

1) Takes a lot of time and effort for the project developers. They
must develop driver hacks for a variety of hardware, and they must
modify their hacks every time Apple breaks them with a minor update
of Mac OS X.

2) Takes a lot of time and effort for users. They must read the
project's copious and scattered documentation, and they must
experiment with many possible solutions, if they want to make Mac
OS X work nicely on their PCs.

3) Modifies Mac OS X. The Mac OS X bits that users are running on
their PCs are not the same bits that Apple tested to attest of
their quality.

Instead, it seems better to stand on the shoulder of giants! It is
already the job of VMware's paid developers to take care of #1 and #3
above by exposing virtual Mac hardware to a Mac OS X guest. Running
Mac OS X inside a VMware virtual machine already is a really good
out-of-the-box experience, and you can bet it will only improve over

Unfortunately, Apple's Mac OS X End-User License Agreements force
VMware into artificially crippling their products:
o You cannot run Mac OS X Client in a virtual machine.
o You cannot run Mac OS X in a virtual machine on a non-Apple physical
So all we have to do to solve #2 above is to uncripple VMware's
products! And that is precisely what this program does.

Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8 VMware Image (Ultimate Final Build)


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