![Leo 911 Pro for Flash Drives and HD's v1.9.7 [2011] Leo 911 Pro for Flash Drives and HD's v1.9.7 [2011]](http://i2.ambrybox.com/300511/1306735581352.jpg)
Leo 911 Pro for Flash Drives and HD's v1.9.7
Mac OS X | Mac Platform: UB | 1.44 GB
Mac OS X | Mac Platform: UB | 1.44 GB
What is Leo 911? An OSX 10.5.8 Universal bootable disk image that can be copied to a 4 GB hard disk or Flash Drive. To make the OS small I had to delete a few things but the items deleted should NOT affect the performance or compatibility of Leo 911 v.s. OSX 10.5.8. Also, I turned off virtual memory. Leo 911 Pro v1.9 is a mere 3.59 gigabytes to try and squeeze onto all 4GB Flash Drives. All of the software appears to be fully working and registered. This only comes in ENGLISH but if you copied this disk image to an large enough drive you can use the 10.5.8 combo updater to add additional languages and pick your own.
System Requirements:
Mac with a G4 PowerPC processor right upto the newest Intel Mac's, yes, even the new 2009 models including some future Xserve models!
Minimum memory can range from 256 MB's right upto to anything your baby can handle
10.5 OSX is not usable on any Mac models below the G4 line, so no point in even trying this on a G3 or below.
Version 1.9.7 Notes
- Updated a slew of tools and added one new one.
- Added additional support files to the /usr folder to increase compatibility with any software included
Version 1.9.6 Notes
- Minor maintenance update to the OS
- Updated a few tools like DiskWarrrior to 4.2 and Drive Genius 2.2.1 as all being 10.6 ready so you can repair a Snow Leopard boot drive from Leo 911 Pro.
- Updated a few other tools check the 3rd part list for them all.
- Some minor cosmetic tweaks and trimmed the OS another small amount in hopes it'll fit more 4 GB flash drives.
Version 1.9.5 Notes
- Mostly this version is just a maintenance update.
- Updated a few tools and added a new one.
- Reduced the size of Leo 911 Pro quite nicely so it'll be less of a hassle to fit it on every 4 GB flash drive
- Reverted back to Little Snitch 2.0.5 because the newer version from 2.1-2.14 no longer work with the root account and always have blank rules.
Version 1.9 Notes
- Updated the core OS to 10.5.8 , Safari to 4.0.3, latest Java update for Leo, QuickTime 7.6.2 and the newest Security Update 2009-004
- Some tools were updated and some new ones added. See the 3rd party list for updates and additions.
- Leopard Cache Cleaner is now removed from Leo 911 because the stupid developer made a change to v4.0.27 that no longer allows the program to launch from the "root" account and older versions won't launch on 10.5.8 either.
- Dope Wars and Pocket Tanks were also removed to help reduce space used so this would be easier to copy onto smaller flash drives.
Apple software available :
Activity Monitor , Archive Utility , Bluetooth File Exchange , Console , DiskImageMounter , Disk Utility , Firmware Password Utility , Installer , Kerberos , Java , Preview , QuickTime Player , RAID Utility , Reset Password , Safari , Script Editor , System Preferences , System Profiler , Terminal , TextEdit , Plus many more OSX components
3rd Party Applications (Non-Apple Stuff)
A Better Finder Rename 8.45 - AppleXsoft File Recovery - BatChmod 1.5 - Carbon Copy Cloner 3.3 - Cocktail 4.5 - CopyCatX 4.0 - Data Rescue 3.0.1 - DiskStudio 1.6.2 - DiskWarrior 4.2 - Drive Genius 2.2.1 - DropDMG 2.8.6 - EasyFind 4.5 - File Buddy 9.01 - File Juicer 4.19 - FileSalvage 7.0 - HexEdit 2.0.0 - Hide and Seek - iDefrag 1.7.2 - iPartition 3.2.0 - Little Snitch 2.0.4 (Last known version to work under the root user account) - MacPilot 3.5 - memtest 4.2.2 - OfficeSalvage 6.1.7 - Pacifist 2.6.3 - Path Finder 5.2.2 - PCalc 3.5.1 - PiXel Check 1.2 - PopChar 4.3 - Rember 0.35b (GUI memtest 4.2.2) - SMART Utility 2.1.2 - SpeedTools Utilities 2.8.1 (Hi-Cap support installed) - Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery 4.0 - StellarPhoenix Photo Recovery 3.2 - TechTool Pro 4.6.2 - TechTool Pro 5.0.6 - Temperature Monitor 4.5 - TinkerTool System 1.87 - Touvaly 1.2.0 - VolumeWorks 1.5 - Xslimmer 1.7.6
Leo 911 Pro and its contents are meant as an advanced diagnostic tool , please do some research on the included tools you want to use because you can destroy your data or drive.
Leo 911 Pro is NOT meant to be used as your daily OSX.
To check the md5 checksums I used checkSum+
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