26 juil. 2011

Telecharger Plexim Plecs Standalone v3.1.7 MultiOS gratuit

Plexim Plecs Standalone v3.1.7 MultiOS

Plexim Plecs Standalone v3.1.7 | Windows X32/64 - Linux X32/64 - MacOSX | 314MB

PLECS Standalone is an autonomous software package for time-domain simulation of power electronic systems. If you want to be independent from other simulation platforms, PLECS Standalone gives you the all-in-one solution for modeling complex electrical circuits and sophisticated controls in a single environment.

Thanks to its optimized engine, PLECS Standalone runs much faster than the PLECS Blockset. With the comprehensive block library, PLECS Standalone offers a cost-effective yet powerful solution for dynamic system simulation in general.
Homepage: http://www.plexim.com/products/plecs_standalone.html

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